(Part 18 Miscellaneous)

Written by his grand-daughter, Ann M. Neddo

Part 1 1805 - 1831 Youth

Part 2 1831 - 1847 Army

Part 3 1847 Courtship & Marriage

Part 4 1847 - 1852 Marriage, Baptism and the End of a Career

Part 5 1853 - 1855 Isle of Malta mission

Part 6 1855 - Going to Zion

Part 7 1855 - 1857 Hard times

Part 8 1857 - 1860 (?) Johnson's army and back to Rush Valley

Part 9 1866 - 1867 Patriarchal blessings, Mission call and departure

Part 10 1867 Journey to the British mission

Part 11 1867 - Mission

Part 12 1868 - Mission

Part 13 1868 - Return Home

Part 14 1868 - 1888 Bishop, Storekeeper, and Iindians - oh my

Part 15 As seen by others

Part 16 1880 -1888 The culmination of a lifetime

Part 17 1888 -1891 Patriarch and Death

Part 18 Miscellaneous

This is a letter written to Hannah Burridge by her Husband, George Wilcox Burridge.

Bristol 16 November 1867

Twenty Years Ago 1st. 'Tis twenty years today, Sweet Wife Since you and I were wed; How swiftly run the sands of life.How fast the years have sped! It seems no more than, yesterday Since by the Alter's side, Clasped hand in hand we knelt to pray And you were made my bride.

2nd. You were a gentle maiden then, Your eyes so bright and blue, And I, a boy 'mong older men, Untried in life's great fight; But oh! those curls are seamed with gray, Those eyes not lustrous now; For time hath writ with iron pen, Deep furrows on this brow.

3rd. We see the tombstones by the Church Bear record of the dead; We've seen the aged - the beautiful Beneath the cold earth laid But all those years to us sweet wife Have ever been years of joy For God has given us jewels now For gentle girls and boys.

4th. We care not for the bustling world, And all its stones of gold; For we've a mine of wealth and love, Whose value is untold Then while the rich go flaunting by And time creeps on a pace On them we'll cast no envious eye- Meet age with cheerful face.

5th. Then roses from our cheeks may fade, Our looks grow thin and gray But hearts that love can never grow old, And true love ne'er decay, Then draw your chair beside the hearth And lay your hand in mine And I will pledge anew my love And you will pledge me thine.


Listed on the sailing records of the''Samuel Curling" from Liverpool, England. 581 souls of the saints on board - 369 adults, 172 children, 28 infants.

Geo. and H. J. Burridge


Member's Certificate

We hereby certify that George Wilcox Burridge is a member of the Aberdeen Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints of the Dundee Conference, in good-standing; and as such we recommend him to any Branch with which he may desire to unite.

Date: January 17, 1854.

Daniel D. McArthur President James Brown Secretary


George always wanted to be in the lead. He was always active and always spiritual. He always chose the best in everything he did.

George Wilcox Burridge left to his descendants a life of courage, of faith, of love of fellowman, of willingness to do his share, to work honestly, and well and to serve his God to his utmost, living the law of obedience.

Material for this history was obtained from his personal diaries, his war record. Parish records, birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, church records, ship's logs and family legends by his granddaughter Ann Neddo.


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