(Part 17 1888 -1891 Patriarch and Death)

Written by his grand-daughter, Ann M. Neddo

Part 1 1805 - 1831 Youth

Part 2 1831 - 1847 Army

Part 3 1847 Courtship & Marriage

Part 4 1847 - 1852 Marriage, Baptism and the End of a Career

Part 5 1853 - 1855 Isle of Malta mission

Part 6 1855 - Going to Zion

Part 7 1855 - 1857 Hard times

Part 8 1857 - 1860 (?) Johnson's army and back to Rush Valley

Part 9 1866 - 1867 Patriarchal blessings, Mission call and departure

Part 10 1867 Journey to the British mission

Part 11 1867 - Mission

Part 12 1868 - Mission

Part 13 1868 - Return Home

Part 14 1868 - 1888 Bishop, Storekeeper, and Iindians - oh my

Part 15 As seen by others

Part 16 1880 -1888 The culmination of a lifetime

Part 17 1888 -1891 Patriarch and Death

Part 18 Miscellaneous

George had been feeling "poorly" and having some trouble with his eye sight so Bro. Gowans anointed him with "holy oil" and blessed him for the restoration and preservation of his eye sight and for the good health of his body generally. This blessing was fulfilled and George was filled with gratitude and thanks to God for his improved health.

George's Son-in-Law, Isaac James Neddo went on a mission to the Northern States.

On February 15, 1891 George was sustained as Patriarch of Tooele Stake. He left for Salt Lake City Feb. 20 to be set apart for the calling of Stake Patriarch.

On the morning of the twenty-first he walked up to the Gardo House. He had with him a letter from his Stake President Hugh S. Gowans for Pres. Wilford Woodruff. But Pres. Woodruff was at home so George went sight seeing about the city. The next day being Sunday he had to wait until Monday to try again to meet Pres. Woodruff. At nine A. M. he again went to the Gardo House. Again he was in- formed that Pres. Woodruff was not there but he was welcome to sit down and wait. So he sat down, a voice told him that Pres. George Q. Cannon would come into the room at 10 A. M. When the hands of the clock pointed to ten o'clock Pres. Cannon opened the door and entered the room. George rose and greeted the President. He explained that he was there to be set apart for his new position and handed him the letter from Pres. Gowans.

Pres. Cannon read the letter. Then he asked Joseph F. Smith to assist him. They laid their hands upon George and Pres. George Q. Cannon ordained him Patriarch in the CHurch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and blessed him to live upon the earth as long as he desired to live.

Before he left home the Spirit had told George that he would be ordained by President George Q. Cannon and so it had come to pass.

The last part of March found Thomas ill with the flu. He did not get better. The doctor was called. The elders blessed him but he remained very ill. George stayed near administering to him several times. Finally on April 12 at about 2:30 he and Bishop Caldwell administered again. In spite of their hope and prayers and efforts George felt to call up the Heavenly Father to take Thomas home. He died a few minutes before five P. M. and was buried on April 14th.

George was ever faithful seldom missing a Sunday School, "Saints Meeting" or M. I. A.

Very few were the meetings that he attended that he did not either pray or deliver a sermon.

His life was an active busy, happy one. Full of service for others.

He died September 26, 1891 still active in the work of the Lord.

He closed each day full of thanks and gratitude to his Eternal Father.

It was said of him that no indecent story was ever told by him and he would leave the company of anyone if they insisted in telling one in his presence.

He never found fault, nor critized others. Nor would he talk about his neighbors.


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